Time Blocking and Time Management

Hal Gottfried
6 min readOct 5, 2022



Time blocking is a strategy for managing your schedule by prioritizing and organizing tasks, events and meetings throughout the day. Time blocking is not only effective for personal productivity, but also extremely beneficial to workplace productivity. It can be used to ensure that you get everything that needs to be done done, whether at home or at work. Time management is an important part of time blocking because it helps ensure that you accomplish all of your priorities in a timely manner. In this blog post we will go over what time blocking is, why you should use it instead of traditional scheduling methods like calendars or timers, how to create a time block schedule, the benefits of using time blocking for work productivity and more!

What is time blocking?

Time blocking is a time management strategy that helps you focus on what matters most. Time blocking, also called time boxing, is a way to manage your tasks and schedule your day.

Time blocking helps you achieve your goals by ensuring that all of the activities related to them are completed every day.

Why you should use time blocking

Time blocking is a time management method that allows you to have more control over your schedule by creating blocks of time dedicated to specific activities. With this method, you can plan out and schedule tasks in advance, which can help you be more efficient and productive. Time blocking also helps avoid procrastination by forcing yourself to focus on one task at a time instead of trying to do everything at once.

Time blocking also helps with being more focused — when an activity is scheduled for a specific period, it becomes easier for the mind and body to transition into work mode because there’s less room for distractions like checking emails or social media accounts (which often lead back into procrastination).

How to create a time block schedule

There are a few ways you can create a time block schedule. The first is to use a spreadsheet, which involves setting up columns that correspond to the different activities in your day. Each time block will have its own column, and as you work throughout the day, you’ll know exactly how much time is left over for each activity.

You can also create a calendar with specific times blocked out for each activity or appointment in your life. This way, when it comes to scheduling appointments with other people, they’ll be able to see what’s on your calendar at any given moment so they can plan accordingly. If they want to meet up at 8:00 p.m., then they know not only where but also when they should arrive if they want their meeting with you uninterrupted by other responsibilities or commitments.*

Benefits of using time blocking for work productivity

  • Increased productivity: By having a clear mind, you’ll be able to focus on your work immediately. This will help speed up the completion of tasks and increase your output as well as overall performance at work.
  • Improved focus: As you’re focusing more on each task throughout the day, it becomes easier for you to stay focused on a single task at any given point in time. This leads to better quality work that saves both time and money because less mistakes are made during this process.
  • Better time management skills: When working with others who are doing things at different paces than them (and vice versa), having good time management skills will allow them all to be productive while working together effectively as well as independently when necessary or convenient for each individual involved in completing certain tasks during various stages within their daily schedule/schedule changes through out each day depending how many hours there are left until end-of-shift/end-of-business or end date/end month which may result into overtime pay if needed so make sure everyone knows what needs done before leaving so no one gets stuck working late unnecessarily just because they didn’t know what else needed done besides what they already knew about beforehand.”

How to incorporate breaks into your time blocking schedule

After going through the exercise of time blocking your workday, you may be surprised to find that you still have free time. In fact, once you start doing this regularly it becomes much easier to fit more things into your schedule and stick with them. The key is not giving yourself too many tasks at first and allowing yourself to change and grow as you go along.

Take breaks! You should schedule at least one break every 90 minutes — more if possible. Try taking a walk around the block or going outside for a short walk (if it’s nice out).

You could also take a quick nap, shower, eat lunch or make a phone call. It’s important that these breaks are taken away from your desk — you want them to be refreshing!

Why is it important to take breaks throughout the day?

It’s important to take regular breaks throughout the workday, as they can help you stay focused and be more productive.

Taking a break is also an opportunity for self-care. We all know that taking care of yourself is important for your health and happiness, but it’s also essential for your career. Taking breaks throughout the day allows you to recharge, which keeps you focused on your tasks when it’s time to get back to work. It also provides opportunities for social interaction with coworkers that can be stimulating, energizing and motivating (not to mention fun).

Additionally, regular breaks during the workday reinforce good habits around healthy eating and sleeping patterns — and this can lead directly into better overall health!

Finally: Taking regular breaks gives us all an opportunity to innovate our ideas by allowing us some time away from what we’re doing so we can approach things with fresh eyes later on in the process when we go back at it again armed with new perspectives derived from stepping away from it all for a bit first.”

How do I know if I’m burned out?

If you feel tired, stressed, or unmotivated, it’s likely that your body is telling you something. You may have trouble focusing on tasks and find yourself making mistakes more often than usual. You might also be finding it hard to sleep well and/or your mood is low or even depressed. These are all signs of burnout.

What happens if I don’t take a break?

  • You will get burned out. Your energy levels will drop, and you won’t be able to bring your best self to your work.
  • You will become less productive. When your brain is tired, it can’t focus on tasks as well as it could if rested and alert.
  • Your work quality will suffer because of the above issues combined with a higher chance of making mistakes when tired or distracted by other thoughts.

Additional tips for better managing your schedule and taking regular breaks.

  • If possible, take a break every 90 minutes. This will help you to stay energized and focused on your work.
  • If you finish a task, take a break before starting another task. By taking care of yourself first, you’ll be able to give more attention and energy to whatever tasks come next.
  • Don’t take breaks right before starting something new; instead, wait until the end of your current activity so that any burst of motivation won’t be lost in transition time.
  • Take action if you need to — whether that means getting up from your desk or going outside for some fresh air — and don’t wait until it feels like there’s nothing else left but an emotional breakdown or runny nose (or both!). Stay healthy by listening to what your body needs at different times during the day: get out of bed if you’ve been sleeping on top of it all morning; find somewhere quiet if everything is buzzing around inside your head; close the door so no one bothers while even though they want too (like me).

Taking breaks will help you stay productive, but you need to be intentional about scheduling them.

  • Breaks are important. They help you stay focused and productive, as well as avoid burnout.
  • Take breaks in between projects, or when you feel overwhelmed by one project, to recharge your batteries and refocus on the task at hand. Try taking a walk around the office building or even outside for some fresh air — even if it’s just for five minutes, this can give your brain a break from whatever it’s been working on, which makes it easier to return to your work with renewed focus and enthusiasm.


With these techniques, you can create a more productive schedule and take breaks when needed. Time blocking is great for increasing productivity in your day-to-day tasks but also has benefits for managing your time throughout the week. So whether you’re planning out a big project, trying to get rid of those pesky procrastination habits or need a break from that deadline stressors, this strategy will help give you some much needed relief!



Hal Gottfried

Extrovert. Problem solver. Thinker. Entrepreneur. Troublemaker. Polymath. Incurable reader. Perpetual Student and Tinkerer.